Wonderful things have been happening at our YKLI library!
Inaugurated last year, each class has a weekly library slot during which the students can browse the wide assortment of reading material. Some take out a book or two, while others choose to just enjoy quiet reading time at school. And now, thanks to the Grandparent Birthday Book Program, we are proud to announce the expansion of our school library.
On the occasion of a student's birthday, his grandparents can make a $36 donation and a new book will be purchased in his honor. The book is selected specifically to match the student's grade level, and is presented to him to enjoy before being placed in the library.
Fill out the form below or contact us to participate in this beautiful program, which shows your love for your grandchild and helps us enrich the minds and expand the horizons of our talmidim, in a way that only reading can.