Let's Spark Genius.

The United States is at a real disadvantage compared to other countries of the world where there is a real focus in STEM subjects along with the new professional reality that 87% of future jobs will be in computing and engineering.
That is precisely why over $3 billion in federal funding have been allocated towards STEM education. It is also why the Center of Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) invested significant funding into building computer and science laboratories and creating teacher training and a multi-grade STEM curriculum for Jewish Middle Schools and High Schools across the denominational spectrum in the USA.
The 21st century skills they are using now can help them chart their future in years to come

This exciting increased hands-on STEM focus is surely helping our students expand

Here at Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island we partnered with CIJE to enhance our already impressive curriculum. Thanks to CIJE, and their forward-thinking approach, we are integrating STEM to foster critical thinking in the classrooms, science lab and within small learning cohorts.

This exciting increased hands-on STEM focus is surely helping our students expand both their knowledge and skills to solve problems, gather and make sense of information and make evidence-based decisions.